Saturday 28 April 2007

The tale of the glum waiter

An interesting event occurred when my wife and I stopped at a restaurant recently. It started with the cappuccinos presented to us in dirty cups. When taken to task over this, the waiter, who was already looking suicidal, gave us the kind of look which said, "I'm going to top myself, but I don't mind taking a couple of passengers with me."

He said nothing but removed the offending cups and brought us fresh ones. We enjoyed our meals and later asked if we wanted anything for dessert. My wife, Carol, had an idea. She told the waiter that it was OK to smile. He said that he had nothing to smile about because his mother was dying of cancer and that he had a bad back and other health problems.

He looked tired and in dire need of rest but eventually forced a smile. We empathised with him, paid the bill and went on our way. It came to me that here was an ideal situation for distance healing.

When we got home I made a decision to send the waiter healing using EFT. This meant having to take on his identity and do the setting up and tapping down as though he was doing it himself. The process works on the basis of 'intent' and it is not necessary for the subject to believe in it or even know about it. There is no need either, to 'check up' on progress with this kind of healing. If you 'feel', under the assumed identity, that special glow and an upward surge in vibration, you can guarantee the subject has gained benefit from it. Always remember to switch back to your own identity afterwards. EFT often works when other methods fail.