Wednesday 13 June 2007

Alli - Your Partner in a Pill

Hot news from Big Pharma, a new drug called Alli (pronounced Al-Eye) is launched with great fanfare and much applause. This drug has been approved by the FDA, and may be freely sold without prescription in the U.S.A. The pill will earn its designers millions of dollars through selling the promise of easy weight loss to overweight adults who believe that it is impossible for them to lose their excess pounds in any other way.

Alli, your partner in a pill, is meant to be taken three times a day with fat containing meals, but the fat content is best kept at no more than 15 grams because of the unwanted side effects, referred to as treatment effects in the marketing material. These promise to make your life very miserable, and include: Gas with an oily anal discharge, loose stools or diarrhoea, more frequent bowel movements and hard to control bowel movements. Alli won't even help you to lose great amounts of weight , perhaps just a few pounds more than you would lose with an ordinary diet and exercise programme, and there haven't been that many studies done to substantiate this small weight loss. Most of the weight loss estimates have been based on studies conducted with its prescription strength counterpart Xenical. Studies with this drug showed that just 6lbs. extra could be lost in one year, and then only if a diet and exercise programme was followed at the same time, which means that a meagre 3lbs. extra can be lost by taking Alli.

All this is very frightening, because these are the side effects that are openly disclosed, there will be others that either haven't shown themselves yet, or that we haven't been told about. And this doesn't have to be!

From the medical point of view, there is nothing else that will cure obesity, and just losing weight is the answer, when we know that weight loss alone doesn't begin to address the problem of obesity. Huge weight losses in short periods of time will only result in larger gains over even shorter time spans, putting great strain on the heart and other internal organs. This is the loss and gain cycle experienced by every dieter in the world. It is time to call a halt to this insanity and understand the true cause of weight gain; our emotions. Only when the true causes are addressed, and this is done beautifully by Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), we no longer have the desire to consume huge amounts of comfort food and poisoned junk, learn to eat good food in the right quantity and learn to feel good about ourselves, will all this obesity nonsense become yesterday's news.

For the pharmaceutical companies Emotional Freedom Techniques will never be an option, as they can't be patented, never produce the side effects that require the consumption of more drugs, and can be learned from easily obtained affordable literature. All qualities that the medical establishment abhor, and therefore feel that it is there duty to warn patients against.

It is time for thinking people to take a stand, those extra pounds are not a medical issue. Learn these free techniques and take back the responsibility for your own well-being. I promise you that the side effect will be a healthier bank balance and a happier you.