Tuesday 26 June 2007

How to unblock 'Writer's Block'

All writers seem to suffer blocks at inconvenient times. You need to sit down and blog, and you can't think of anything remotely interesting to write about. The pressure is on you, because you know that you must write content at least three times a week to keep your audience. Some people work well under pressure, but if you're one of those people who didn't do well in exams, and I'm one of them, you need a strategy. You might get inspiration from reading someone else's work, or you could go and put the kettle on, or you might decide that you're hungry and a sandwich beckons. All these strategies have been known to work, but now every writer can tap into the power of tapping. This is one part of the Emotional Freedom Techniques arsenal that I wouldn't be without. If you are new to tapping meridian points, then please go to my web site and download my free guide to 'Beginner's EFT' "http://www.keystoattainment.net" an easy read that guides you through the places that you need to tap on, and if you still aren't sure there is a video link that you can copy.

I use the Karate Chop point for my set-up statement:
"Even though I can't think of anything to write about now, I love and accept myself", do this three times.
As my reminder statement I use:
"Words won't come."
I tap...Top of the head, corner of eye, outside eye, under eye, under nose, chin and collar bone.
You will then find that something will just 'pop' into your head, and if you don't like what you write, do it again until you do.


Anonymous said...

Wow that really worked for me thanks!!! :)